
One of our apiaries

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Well, after a few false starts and several bouts of cold temperatures, it looks like Spring is finally here to stay. We have seen day time temperatures in the 70s and 80s this week with lows at night in the 40s. And it looks like this week will be another repeat.

The pollen is falling now and everyone seems to be running out to their local retailer to buy their supply of honey. This is a great time to encourage each of you to make a commitment to making honey apart of your daily diet. Honey is not a quick fix. Sure, it will help soothe a sore throat or nagging cough. But long term, if you can find ways to incorporate honey into your daily diet,  you will be far better off this time next year when allergy season hits.

So, you ask, "How do I make honey a part of my diet?" Great question! Take small steps and you will be amazed at all the ways honey can sneak its way into your diet. If you are a coffee or tea drinker, try adding honey instead of sugar. Instead of jelly on that biscuit, add honey. Nothings better than a peanut butter and honey sandwich for lunch. Strawberry season is around the corner. Why not dip your strawberries in honey instead of sugar? Pancakes and waffles with honey make a great breakfast to start the day. Or try adding honey to your morning smoothie to jump start your day. These are just a few ideas that we have made apart of our family diet that have stood the test of time.

Like us on Facebook and tell us your favorite ways to eat Beelicious Honey!

Happy Spring to you all.